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The Real Forces That Motivate Us in Healthcare

23 Apr 2024 5:03 PM | Deborah Hodges (Administrator)

Various metaphysical concepts -- those that transcend physical explanations or rules -- have influenced the field of medicine throughout history and continue to play a role today. The understanding of how mental processes can affect physical health is a key example. This is evident in the field of psychosomatic medicine, which studies the influence of psychological factors on physical conditions. [MedpageToday]

While the practice of medicine is grounded in the physical body, the motivations and values that guide physicians often transcend physicality. The drive to heal, to alleviate suffering, and to improve quality of life are fundamental motivations for many in the medical field. These are not simply biological drives, but metaphysical ones, rooted in empathy, compassion, and a commitment to service.



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